- add new controller in the tab application
- create an tab application
- add the view controller
- control - drag to the new view controller
- choose view controllers these are the steps! more you can access this post: the post link
- change the cell format to subtitle and can change the image for the cell
- add the image to the assets.xcassets
- change the image name
- in code you can access the image using it:
image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"pass"];
- unwind segue
- define the segue in the destionation viewController
- in the operation page you can drag the button to the exit in the top and choose the defined segue (but only when using size class are chosen)
- in the 出发的viewController 可以在 Document outline中看到出发的viewController里定义的segue。可以加入identifier的Name,在code中就可以调用这个segue。
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:@"unwindToSugerView" sender:self];
- 使用tableview 来做页面layout 定义了几个section 但是想把空白的地方显示为空白,不要显示table cell。这里有个tricks: 5.tableview的头里有空白,如何消除这些空白呢,在其attribute inspector 里 uncheck the post link
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